Friday, April 27, 2012

Good Leaders

Good Leaders

Some argue that leaders are born while some say leaders are made but the fact remains that good leaders are a blend of both experience as well as inborn hidden talent. Leadership is leading a particular group by example. It is guiding a particular group. It is solving their problem and making them trust and believe in your abilities. Leadership is an art which requires extra-ordinary talent and perfection. A good leader should always diagnose the problems of his followers.

Qualities of a good leader are as mentioned below-

1. Should be a good listener.

2. Should not be afraid to guide one's followers by example.

3. Should understand the basic problems of his area or field.

4. Should be immensely patient and focused.

5. Should never present wrong examples before one's followers.

6. Should never give up easily any task undertaken.

7. Should be of a never say die attitude.

8. Should always lend ears to one's followers.

These all qualities are the pre-requisites of a great leader. History always reveals that good leaders have always led others by examples. "A good leader is one who always takes a little more than his share of blame and a little than his share of success."

All the management trainees who aspire to become successful managers must enhance their leadership skills. A good leader is a good manager always but it's vice versa is not true. A great leader always interacts with his subordinates; he becomes a part of their lives so that they can connect with him; look up to him whenever they are in a crisis situation. An organization cannot be run by a single individual it's a team work and a great leader always carries his subordinates along with it. Another important aspect of a good leader is motivation. A good leader always motivates his subordinates to bring about the best in them. Victor H. Vroom gave an expectancy model of motivation that all leaders should follow in their organization to be successful.

Many great business tycoons like Bill Gates, Jack Welch & Donald Trump, all were great leaders who made the optimum use of their resources. Leading in business requires the dedication to guide one's juniors, extract maximum out of them and to press all obstacles with an iron hand. Any leader can't succeed until having the full confidence and backing of the followers. Their leadership qualities masterfully extracted gold out of the employees thus citing perfect example of leadership.

Leadership quality is best tested in the field of politics. No politician can ever survive until being a good, mature leader. A good leader should be close to the masses. He should touch all issues touching the masses. Leader is for the masses. No leader should think vice-versa that masses are for the leaders. Leaders who think so suffer heavily. All those leaders who move away from their followers are surely bound to disappear in the shadow of loneliness. Leaders are mortal but their thoughts are immortal.

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